Distribution Agreement Termination Letter Example

7 Dicembre 2021

If you`re looking to terminate a distribution agreement with a partner, it`s important to do it in the right way to minimize any negative impact on your business. One key element of this process is creating a distribution agreement termination letter that clearly outlines your intentions and reasons for ending the partnership. Here is an example of what such a letter might look like:

[Your Company Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]


[Partner Company Name]

[Partner Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Partner Contact],

I am writing to inform you that we have decided to terminate our distribution agreement with your company, effective [Date]. This decision was reached after careful consideration of the terms of our agreement and the evolving needs of our business.

We appreciate the contributions your company has made to our success over the course of our partnership and recognize the hard work and dedication your team has shown in representing our products. However, we believe that it is in the best interest of both parties to move in different directions at this time.

We will be providing you with written notice of the termination in accordance with the terms of our agreement. As of the termination date, you will no longer be authorized to distribute or sell our products and must immediately discontinue all use of our trademarks and intellectual property.

Please note that any outstanding balances owed to us must be settled within [Number of days] days of the termination date. We also request that you return all products and materials belonging to our company that are in your possession.

We sincerely regret any inconvenience this decision may cause and wish your company continued success in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about the termination, please do not hesitate to contact us.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company Name]

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